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​ Global Human Resources Development Training (Online)

Through business missions from Indian and local companies, while experiencing an overwhelming cross-cultural experience, acquire a global mindset (accepting cross-cultural and diverse values and grasping them with global standards), and as a future global leader Develop practical skills.

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We will propose solutions in English for plastic waste reduction (one of the SDGs issues) of the stadium used for India's largest popular sports cricket international game.

Training purpose

  • "Expand your horizons by touching different cultures and diversity in India"

  • "Acquire skills to communicate effectively with foreigners"

  • "Acquire a mindset that can produce results at work overseas"

  • "Learn about SDGs initiatives at sports facilities in India, which has the second largest population in the world."

Target person

Young to mid-career employees, employees who may be assigned overseas


Language ability (TOEIC 600 points or higher recommended)

Period (3.5 days to 5 days in total) Pre-orientation (0.5 days) / Main training (3 to 5 days)

Training content



Flow of the day (depending on the content of the mission)

  • 9: 00-10: 00: Meeting / Today's mission explanation / Goal confirmation

  • 10: 00-16: 00: Mission execution (1 hour lunch break)

  • 16: 00-17: 00: Results announcement Day review / feedback

Experience learning process

At the end of the day, I will look back on what I could and couldn't do today and how I will challenge what I couldn't do tomorrow.

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